
The end of a marriage is never easy and the lawyer you choose to assist you matters. When you are separating from your spouse; things change.

If you are able to work through your differences, we can assist you in formalizing an agreement to separate your property and resolve your other legal issues. 

If you are unable to discuss or agree upon these issues with your spouse, we have the option of filing and taking the matter to court. 

Let us assist you in navigating the issues surrounding this life change and the legal ramifications and questions that may arise.

Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce

Can’t I just file my divorce on my own? Why would I need an attorney?

Yes, you have the ability to file a divorce action on your own at the courthouse. But beware the pitfalls and legal requirements of doing so!

Do you know what is required to move your divorce forward? What if the court grants your divorce but you still own real estate as a married couple? What happens to your military retirement or your ability to request a portion of your spouse’s military retirement if the court grants your divorce?

We would be able to answer all these questions for you. Filing on your own is possible, but that does not mean it is the most sensible or the most responsible. It can affect you negatively and your claims to certain monies or property could be forever barred.

I pulled a Separation Agreement off the internet. That will be good enough, right? Why should I get an attorney?

A property settlement agreement is a contract. An understanding of contract law is not something we learn in our K-12 education.

Do you understand what you may be obligating yourself to in your internet agreement? Have you agreed to do WAY more or accept WAY less than a court would require of you? Do you realize that if you decide the terms of your contract are unfavorable or burdensome a year from now, you may still be obligated to perform what you agreed to do when you signed your internet contract?

Taking an agreement off the internet and trying to make it fit your situation is like trying to wear your next-door neighbor’s shoes. They might be nice shoes, but are they going to fit or will they cause you blisters in the long run?  Let us discuss and review any property settlement agreement before you decide to sign it.

I tried to file for divorce on my own, and the people at the courthouse won’t help me get it done.

The employees of the Clerk of Court are not attorneys, and therefore they are unable to give you legal advice on how to properly file your documents.  They are not intentionally trying to be difficult or refuse to assist you. We would be glad to review the documents you have prepared and provide legal advice on how to properly file them, or, if you would prefer, we can file the documents on your behalf and insure the process moves forward according to the North Carolina statutes and rules.

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“Ms. Garner was absolutely amazing to work with. She was able to see me very quickly, she was very knowledgeable, and she knew exactly how to handle my issue. Best lawyer in Fayetteville, hands down!!”


“Let me explain how wonderful this lawyer and professional staff were in helping me to forever resolve a legal issue that was problematic, to put it mildly. Ms. Garner has many years of legal experience in resolving legal issues like mine. Put your money and mind on her. She will get the job done; and done right.”


“I would highly recommend this firm. The Attorney and her staff are very professional and helpful.”


“Thank you so much for your hard work on my case. You have been wonderful to work with; I really appreciate your help in my case.”
